Tag Archives: Melanie Klein

Dollers & Maskers: Part One

I have always had a deep admiration and love for artist, Laurie Simmons and what I am seeing of her show that was on view at Salon 94 only makes me admire and love her more. This exhibit, Kigurumi, Dollers and How We See, documents (beautifully as Simmons always does) the phenomenon of Kigurumi, or, […]


When Inanimates Become Animate

For the last two days, I have been watching more episodes of A&E’s Hoarders than I should simply because it tears deeply at me. I grew up giving lives to inanimate objects — dolls, Barbies, action figures, teddy bears. Now, as an adult seeing inanimates, knowing of course they are not alive themselves, I still […]
